William La - Web Developer

Hi There! I'm

William La

An aspiring Web Developer with a passion for learning and creating new things.

01. About Me

I'm an aspiring web developer with a current focus on front-end development. I graduated from Seneca College with a diploma in Computer Programming. I'm passionate about coding and using it to solve problems. I'm eager to get my foot in the door and work alongside other passionate programmers and level up my abilities along the way.

These are the technologies I'm mainly using:

  • React
  • Node.js
  • HTML
  • JavaScript

02. Where I've Worked

  1. Mane To Tame
  1. School of Occupational and Public Health
  1. Ontario Business Gate
  1. Prepr Labs

Freelance Web Developer @ Mane To Tame

October - November 2022

  1. Customized Shopify theme to meet client specifications.
  1. Resolved link routing issue for product pages.
  1. Optimized overall website and product page SEO for improved search engine visibility.

03. Things I've Built

All my projects are hosted on Heroku, which may take some time to fully load.

Prepr Labs Homepage & Dashboard Clone

A semi-functional clone of the Prepr Labs dashboard. Functionalities include: login with predefined credentials, dark and light mode, create dummy projects that can be seen on the dashboard

React, Chakra UI, SASS

Xenon Landing Page

A landing page I developed and helped design for a concept wellness app.

React, Chakra UI, SASS

Space Tourism Website

A multi-page react website to promote space tourism. A Frontend Mentor challange, where I needed to create the website as close to the provided wireframes as possible, along with all functionality and effects

React, CSS

My Other Projects

Blogr Landing Page

Another Frontend Mentor challenge.

React, Chakra UI, SASS

Personal Website V1

Created at the start of 2022, this is my first portfolio website. Nothing too fancy, just a static webpage.

HTML, CSS, JS, Bootstrap

ASP.NET Portfolio Builder

A website where users can build up a portfolio of their projects. Uses cookie based authentication for admin login in order to perform CRUD operations, such as adding, editing and deleting projects.

ASP.net, Razor Pages, SQL LocalDB, Entity Framework

Url Shrinker Service

A Website along with an API that shortens URL links

Node.js, Express, MongoDB, CSS

Google Keep Clone

A simple Google Keep clone built with React

React, CSS

Blog Website

Blog website that allows for viewing, creating, and deleting posts. Posts are stored on MongoDB Atlas

Node.js, Express, EJS, MongoDB, CSS

ToDo List

Your run of the mill ToDo list app. Allows for additional custom lists. All lists and list items are stored on MongoDB Atlas.

Node.js, Express, Javascript, EJS, MongoDB, CSS

04. What's Next?

Get In Touch

As of right now Im currently looking for a place to apply and develop my skills, and am intrested in any new opportunites. Drop an email and I'll get back to you as soon as possible!

© William La 2022